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Hasse - SLC
Här sen Nov 2002
Inlägg: 11

Magnus Thomé skrev:
Hasse - SLC skrev:
Hej, på SLC sidan har jag skrivit om transponderligan.
Dvs jag vill ha in information om startnummer, transpondernummer och fordon.
Var snälla och skicka denna info till info@slc.se
Mvh Hasse - Tidtagning

Räcker det att säga att vi inte bytt? Stötdämparexperten VW Racing alltså...

Ja Magnus det räcker så här...
Hasse - SLC
Här sen Nov 2002
Inlägg: 11

Ett förtydligande.
Alla måste lämna info om tranponder. Om en bil stannar hos samma ägare från år till år, det vet inte jag.
Skicka ett mail där ni berättar om ni har samma bil detta år.
Det vore snällt.


Anonymous skrev:

Undrar bara varför det inte var någon som sade något när TRM huserade vilt med sin S40?
För övrigt, så är det "regelvidriga" nu åtgärdat.

"Öppen dialog från"
Martin Claesson

Har idag pratat med Benny på TRM som förklarade för mig att deras bil inte är/var regelvidrig.
Det hela var en missuppfattning från min sida.
Vill på detta sätt be TRM om ursäkt, och önska dem lycka till. Er andra också, naturligtvis

/Martin Claesson
Här sen Jan 2003
Inlägg: 9853

<span style='color:red;font:bold'>Moderator</span>

otroligt stort startfält i klass2 6h till helgen vill jag lova
4!!!!!!!!!!!!! bilar anmälda??? vart håller alla hus?.

kom igen och låna/hyr bilar, så det blir lite rejs........

och vart har filemon tagit vägen???
det här är den första och enda chansen ni får att köra ifrån oss i år

ses på gelleråsen allihopa.

Dodge pickup -58
Dodge Dart -67
Plymouth Cuda -71
Plymouth Cuda Conv -70
VaGinetta G20
Opel Speedster
Ford Cortina

Anders Bisting
Här sen Dec 2002
Inlägg: 14546

dude skrev:
otroligt stort startfält i klass2 6h till helgen vill jag lova
4!!!!!!!!!!!!! bilar anmälda??? vart håller alla hus?.

Du får väl börja åka riktig racing (läses V8-Challenger)........så du fåt lite motstånd....

Håkan Carlsson
070-57 323 57

Bil: BMW e36R TimeAttack
Här sen Jan 2003
Inlägg: 9853

<span style='color:red;font:bold'>Moderator</span>

jag har nog att hålla reda på 4cyl och det verkar andra ha också

Dodge pickup -58
Dodge Dart -67
Plymouth Cuda -71
Plymouth Cuda Conv -70
VaGinetta G20
Opel Speedster
Ford Cortina

Anders Bisting
Här sen Dec 2002
Inlägg: 14546

So det ser ut idag.så skulle an åka GT.....för då åste man ju få stå på pallae..

Håkan Carlsson
070-57 323 57

Bil: BMW e36R TimeAttack


3 dagar kvar till start. Vad har hänt med NJ-Racing? Har dom lagt av??
Vart har den stora "överaskningen" tagit vägen??
Fredrik - SLC

Här sen Nov 2002
Inlägg: 13523

Gäst skrev:
3 dagar kvar till start. Vad har hänt med NJ-Racing? Har dom lagt av??
Vart har den stora "överaskningen" tagit vägen??

NJ Racing har gått upp i Eks Racing som fortsätter med nr 65.
Den "stora överaskningen" har fått lite grus i maskineriet, dock inte tvärstopp än utan det finns fortfarande förhoppningar att det kommer att lösa sig. Men det återkommer jag när det finns mer info att släppa om det.

Fredrik SLC
Kontaktuppgifter http://slc.se/?page_id=12


skit kul race thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up
men vad hände med dom två ICA-Porscharna?


Till Gäst:

ICA-Porscharnas öde avhandlas bland mycket annat på www.slc.se. Scrolla gärna igenom liverapporteringen, så får du mer kött på benen.
Magnus Thomé
Här sen Nov 2002
Inlägg: 41684


Mycket trevliga bilder finns även här på Rejsa i forumet "100% Racing":


Magnus Thomé


An open letter of grievance to SLC from Mike Billett. Racing Green Motorsports. dated April 26th 2004

Fredrik - SLC skrev:
Däremot så finns det oftast ingenting som kan kompensera bra förberedelser för att få


It is with great annoyance that I feel I should air my thoughts and feelings on this public forum.

My motivation is that I believe an injustice has occurred and all who compete in the SLC should be aware of the risks involved with electronic AMB lap timing and total reliance on computers for such.

In the cool light of day, please take the time to explain the following to me.

Kl.13.54 on Saturday 24th April (3 hr endurance race)

Positions in Class 3 were as follows:

Mobi-mech and Ravila fighting for first position in Kl. 3 separated by just a couple of seconds.
X-Racing (formerly IPM Racing Porsche 944 were 20-25 seconds behind them on the same lap in 3rd position.

Diners Club had an accident, hit the wall... and the yellow flags came out.

Pace Car.

Mobi-mech and Ravila left the track and went into the pits to change drivers (?)

X-racing (#944) stayed out on the track, drove two relatively fast laps considering it was yellow flagged (circa 1m 25s) with Waeco behind them to catch up with the pace car.

Neither X racing or Waeco pitted during the yellow flag/pace car period.

When the Pace car pulled off the track and the race restarted X-Racing were MORE THAN ONE WHOLE LAP BEHIND Ravila and Mobi-Mech.

How is this possible?

Think about it. It is not possible. It is a mathematical and physical impossibility.

Allow me to summarise.

Mobi-mech and Ravila Pitted. X-racing didn't. But X-racing lost over a lap in time. EXPLAIN PLEASE!

X-racing and Waeco both made written appeals to SLC, these were rejected.


The only explanation I received was that "they didn't find anything wrong with the lap counting"

Simply to state that your timekeepers could not find the fault, does not satisfy me as a worthy explanation.

All it explains is that the timekeepers could not find the fault.

Explain Your comment made directly to me at the time of the incident "these things happen, but it all works out over the course of a season"

Not Good Enough Fredrik.


What happened?

Explain how X-Racing and Waeco could lose MORE THAN ONE LAP to their competitors who were in the pits, whilst they were still on the track?

What back-up system does SLC have for time keeping and lap counting errors?

I didn't see anyone in the timekeeping office making manual lap counting sheets?

There is only one logical explanation for X-Racing and Waeco (and probably many others who stayed out on the track during the yellow flag after Diners accident).
The explanation is that the first two laps immediately after the accident, X-racing and Waeco (and others) made two laps in an elapsed time of 2m 50s, but these were counted as one lap by your system.

Give me a good explanation for the above. Or you have lost my respect as a race organiser.

I would like to finish again with your quote:

Fredrik - SLC skrev:
Däremot så finns det oftast ingenting som kan kompensera bra förberedelser för att få

Quite obviously, bad organisation and inadequate (non-existent) manual back-up of lap counting can have a profound effect on Good preparation, Excellent driving and Good Strategy.
Fredrik - SLC

Här sen Nov 2002
Inlägg: 13523

mike_billett skrev:
An open letter of grievance to SLC from Mike Billett. Racing Green Motorsports. dated April 26th 2004

Fredrik - SLC skrev:
Däremot så finns det oftast ingenting som kan kompensera bra förberedelser för att få


It is with great annoyance that I feel I should air my thoughts and feelings on this public forum.

My motivation is that I believe an injustice has occurred and all who compete in the SLC should be aware of the risks involved with electronic AMB lap timing and total reliance on computers for such.

In the cool light of day, please take the time to explain the following to me.

Kl.13.54 on Saturday 24th April (3 hr endurance race)

Positions in Class 3 were as follows:

Mobi-mech and Ravila fighting for first position in Kl. 3 separated by just a couple of seconds.
X-Racing (formerly IPM Racing Porsche 944 were 20-25 seconds behind them on the same lap in 3rd position.

Diners Club had an accident, hit the wall... and the yellow flags came out.

Pace Car.

Mobi-mech and Ravila left the track and went into the pits to change drivers (?)

X-racing (#944) stayed out on the track, drove two relatively fast laps considering it was yellow flagged (circa 1m 25s) with Waeco behind them to catch up with the pace car.

Neither X racing or Waeco pitted during the yellow flag/pace car period.

When the Pace car pulled off the track and the race restarted X-Racing were MORE THAN ONE WHOLE LAP BEHIND Ravila and Mobi-Mech.

How is this possible?

Think about it. It is not possible. It is a mathematical and physical impossibility.

Allow me to summarise.

Mobi-mech and Ravila Pitted. X-racing didn't. But X-racing lost over a lap in time. EXPLAIN PLEASE!

X-racing and Waeco both made written appeals to SLC, these were rejected.


The only explanation I received was that "they didn't find anything wrong with the lap counting"

Simply to state that your timekeepers could not find the fault, does not satisfy me as a worthy explanation.

All it explains is that the timekeepers could not find the fault.

Explain Your comment made directly to me at the time of the incident "these things happen, but it all works out over the course of a season"

Not Good Enough Fredrik.


What happened?

Explain how X-Racing and Waeco could lose MORE THAN ONE LAP to their competitors who were in the pits, whilst they were still on the track?

What back-up system does SLC have for time keeping and lap counting errors?

I didn't see anyone in the timekeeping office making manual lap counting sheets?

There is only one logical explanation for X-Racing and Waeco (and probably many others who stayed out on the track during the yellow flag after Diners accident).
The explanation is that the first two laps immediately after the accident, X-racing and Waeco (and others) made two laps in an elapsed time of 2m 50s, but these were counted as one lap by your system.

Give me a good explanation for the above. Or you have lost my respect as a race organiser.

I would like to finish again with your quote:

Fredrik - SLC skrev:
Däremot så finns det oftast ingenting som kan kompensera bra förberedelser för att få

Quite obviously, bad organisation and inadequate (non-existent) manual back-up of lap counting can have a profound effect on Good preparation, Excellent driving and Good Strategy.

Mike, my quote to you was in regard to another thing i said...... and that was:
Probably you lost the lap when the pace-car went out and collected the OVERALL leader and let your class competitor gain a lap on you..... and THAT usally evens out during the season.

Hasse checked out wether or not you had missed a lap or not..... and you hadn't... AND THAT IS FOR SURE, you can check yourself on mylaps.com if you create a account with your transpondernumber and check all your laps.

but in afterhand we have found a possible reason for your belief in that you have lost a lap in regard to your competitors.... and that is Hans had for a while wrong startingpoint on when to start counting laps after the start and that was corrected during the race to the CORRECT point. Which meant that some competitors had a extra lap that shouldnt be counted for.....
But the result is never "OFFICIAL" until the final result is posted on paper.

Since we start the race at the flag but the timing starts at the correct time... and the timing program has 2 different options for when to start counting laps , it was the wrong one selected but the program is very userfriendly so its easy to correct such things afterhand.....

Im happy to show you at the next race exactly what it was on the computer when its free time either before or after the races..... and i can show you why we are so sure that neither of the 2 min plus laps is a missed double lap.... because we see it on the number of "hits" if you have gone over the Coil PACE-CAR SLOW or RACE full speed...... and your slow laps had "hit" rates of ca +300 which means maximum speed of 70 Km/h and not 150+ that it is when its race-speed.

our or rather MY mistake is (and that im sorry for) is not realising that these 2 "problems" were connected at the time when you talked to me.

Regarding the protest, after you handed that in the procedure stops from being "friendly" then i do it strictly by the book and just collected it from you and the other competitor and then forwarded it to the judges which then handled it by the book. And they come to the verdict that the final result was correct and obviusly denied it.

At it was the CORRECT final race....

And as i said earlier im happy to show anybody that is curios it on computer-screen in Anderstorp... the files is still available....

Fredrik SLC
Kontaktuppgifter http://slc.se/?page_id=12


Finns det någon officiell förklaring över Diners krasch? Det spekulerades vilt på läktaren.



I appreciate you giving the time to explain the problem and I accept that your comments about the pace car were in relation to catching the lead car and not to our situation. Apologies.

I know understand how the lap timing error occurred, and obviously it was not a case of the two cars, X racing and waeco completing two quick laps whilst catching the pace car as we thought, proved by the "hit rate" or the blip length as they passed the loop, but simply a case of the button being pushed to start lap timing again when the race restarted at the incorrect moment, thus giving some cars an extra lap.

You said:

>but in afterhand we have found a possible reason for your belief in that you have lost a lap in regard to >your competitors.... and that is Hans had for a while wrong startingpoint on when to start counting laps >after the start and that was corrected during the race to the CORRECT point. Which meant that some >competitors had a extra lap that shouldnt be counted for.....
>But the result is never "OFFICIAL" until the final result is posted on paper.


>our or rather MY mistake is (and that im sorry for) is not realising that these 2 "problems" were >connected at the time when you talked to me.

So this sort of error can be corrected easily during the race. You didn't mention if it was corrected or not during the race or afterwards?

>Which meant that some competitors had a extra lap that shouldnt be counted for.....

But the result was declared final and that is the end of the story.

The people who lost out in this incident were X racing.

It is an unfortunate situation Fredrik, human error.

I accept that You win some and you lose some. but obviously in this case my customers were the ones who lost and when they spend considerable money to make the car reliable, good planning and good strategy, good driving and good tactics. It is a shame that this situation has arisen. More concerning is that the situation was not corrected immediately after it occurred.

You never answered my question about manual lap counting back-up.

Are you totally reliant on computers to keep lap times.
What is the back up system?

It still leaves a bad taste in my mouth Fredrik. I doubt we will be at Anderstorp.
Fredrik - SLC

Här sen Nov 2002
Inlägg: 13523

mike_billett skrev:

>our or rather MY mistake is (and that im sorry for) is not realising that these 2 "problems" were >connected at the time when you talked to me.

So this sort of error can be corrected easily during the race. You didn't mention if it was corrected or not during the race or afterwards?

>Which meant that some competitors had a extra lap that shouldnt be counted for.....

But the result was declared final and that is the end of the story.
The people who lost out in this incident were X racing.

You never answered my question about manual lap counting back-up.

Are you totally reliant on computers to keep lap times.
What is the back up system?

It still leaves a bad taste in my mouth Fredrik. I doubt we will be at Anderstorp.

The starting point was moved a couple af times until we were sure of the CORRECT one, which made the screen show wrong result for a while. Exact time when the final correction was made i dont really remember but after the Diners crash and well before the finish.

So yes it was corrected during the event.

No, X-racing didn't lose out, it was the correct result, unfortunatly we made you believe that you lost out, which im sorry for.

The AMB system is very reliable, so no organizer have any manual back-up any more that is totally separate. What we have is a manual person checking that every car that is passing is blipping with headphones that gives a sound. (Kjelle) and if a cars transponder doesnt work he put in a manual passing and tell Hasse which car it was.

And Kjelle had quite a lot to do this weekend since a number of cars had problems with their transponder.
And the reasons of that was that they had Moved the transponder to a bad location or removed the SAFETY? (SÄKRINGEN) or damaged the powercables to the transponder.

But that was not the case with your car at any point and the cars that it happened to was informed and corrected their transponders.

Fredrik SLC
Kontaktuppgifter http://slc.se/?page_id=12


Manual back-up system.. Ok.

Fair enough.

But explain the fact that mobi-mech and ravila were just 20 seconds ahead of X racing before the Diners crash, and during the yellow flag/pace car period both mobi-mech and ravila pitted, x-racing stayed on the track. When the race restarted X-racing were 1 3/4 laps behind Mobi-mech and Ravila!

I am obviously not making it very clear.

Mobi-mech and Ravila STOPPED IN THE PITS
X Racing continued driving around the track, but lost a OVER A LAP To THEM. EXPLAIN THAT!

You still have not succeeded in convincing me Fredrik.

Fredrik - SLC

Här sen Nov 2002
Inlägg: 13523

mike_billett skrev:
Manual back-up system.. Ok.

Fair enough.

But explain the fact that mobi-mech and ravila were just 20 seconds ahead of X racing before the Diners crash, and during the yellow flag/pace car period both mobi-mech and ravila pitted, x-racing stayed on the track. When the race restarted X-racing were 1 3/4 laps behind Mobi-mech and Ravila!

I am obviously not making it very clear.

Mobi-mech and Ravila STOPPED IN THE PITS
X Racing continued driving around the track, but lost a OVER A LAP To THEM. EXPLAIN THAT!

You still have not succeeded in convincing me Fredrik.


I think its difficult now to explain it over a webpage to you ....... But i'm happy to SHOW you exactly on the computerscreen in the timingbus what happened during the race..... On the screen there is more information that is not printable and you can follow every lap from the start.

So when you come the next time to a SLC race, grab me before or after the day.... since we have to do it when its not used for timing.

Fredrik SLC
Kontaktuppgifter http://slc.se/?page_id=12


I understand what you are explaining Fredrik.

but no matter how much you show me on the computer.. the race is on the track. And there were 3 CARS ON THE SAME LAP BEFORE THE YELLOW FLAG. 2 PITTED ,AND THE ONE THAT STAYED OUT WAS WITHOUT EXPLANATION OVER ONE LAP BEHIND.

No matter howmuch you show me computer screens... this is a matter of physics and mathematics Fredrik.

Unless Gelleråsen has a black hole time zone where all of the cars that stayed out on the track were abducted by aliens, for a lap. Then it would seem... the more pit stops we make, the better chance we have of winning. ;-)


mike_billett skrev:
I understand what you are explaining Fredrik.

but no matter how much you show me on the computer.. the race is on the track. And there were 3 CARS ON THE SAME LAP BEFORE THE YELLOW FLAG. 2 PITTED ,AND THE ONE THAT STAYED OUT WAS WITHOUT EXPLANATION OVER ONE LAP BEHIND.

No matter howmuch you show me computer screens... this is a matter of physics and mathematics Fredrik.

Unless Gelleråsen has a black hole time zone where all of the cars that stayed out on the track were abducted by aliens, for a lap. Then it would seem... the more pit stops we make, the better chance we have of winning. ;-)

To an uninvolved reader it seems that you Mike have not understood at all what Fredrik just explained to you. Read again. I suggest that in the future, before you start writing real loud, you make a phone call or send an e-mail directly to Fredrik, so you won't have to seem like a basket case getting all revved up over somthing before you know the real reason, and if what has happened is really right or wrong.

I do have to say you are not afriad to speak your mind freely in public, that I give you. thumbs up
Keep racing and be happy.
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