Tack till alla våra trogna sponsorer som stöttar och håller Rejsa rullande
Våra race- och banåkarbilar
BMW M2 6MT -17 Welt Delivery through the Nürburgring
3724 besök totalt
Här sen Dec 2016
Inlägg: 18

Hi guys, hope this is the right section to post.
Three weeks ago I picked up my 6MT M2 at the BMW Welt in Munich, flew my father in from Tel-Aviv and had a guys roadtrip back to Sweden through The 'Ring, Frankfurt auto-show and some other interesting points.

First of all, I have to say the Welt delivery was an amazing experience, especially sharing it with my father who I did not see for 10 months now.
I went on the Nürburgring just to tick the touristic visit box, not for any lap times. Especially since I don't know the track, the car and still in break-in (and yes, I made sure to keep it within break-in guidelines).

Going on it with my first M-car, after a Welt delivery, been a huge dream coming true. On the other hand, it might not have been the best idea- having to keep one eye on the cluster for break-in guidelines, the other on the track (as I don't know it) and then trying to not get ran over by GT3s... Will probably be the last time I'm going on it within break-in

Since then I had the time to finish break-in, get it serviced and log a best lap of 1:11(and few hundreds) on Knutstorp.
Anyways, thought I should share some photos!

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Baar - CH
Här sen Jun 2005
Inlägg: 1134

Very nice car! And I can fully understand your sense of pride when picking the car up!

Is the plastic original from the factory?
Or did you do a quick job yourself before getting out on the circuit?

By the way, you might want to create your own page for your car to post future updates and driving experiences.
The proper section for that is: "Våra race- och banåkarbilar"

David Olsson
Lotus Elise SC
Här sen Dec 2016
Inlägg: 18

Yes, plastic is original. It's a "PostNord" limited edition

Kidding aside, it's trakktape. I've been waiting on this car for 9 months, Autobahn is full of construction this time of year & visit to the Nurburgring. Felt I should try and keep it fresh from stones for at least a week.

If one of the mods can move this thread to the correct section that would be great.
And since this goes to a dedicated car-specific subsection, here are some more photos from the trip home. I'll try uploading videos from Knutstorp as well, would be great to get some pointers for better times.

BTW, you guys can write in Swedish. I can make sense out of 95%- it's figuring out how to express myself that is the issue.

Magnus Thomé
Här sen Nov 2002
Inlägg: 41698


Mmmm, nice. Oh right, I have one just like it too thumbs up Love it. I do have a DCT though. I love it.

Anyway, nice read. As an admin here on Rejsa I moved your thread to the "our cars" forum thumbs up

Magnus Thomé
Magnus Thomé
Här sen Nov 2002
Inlägg: 41698


M.B. skrev:
...BTW, you guys can write in Swedish. I can make sense out of 95%- it's figuring out how to express myself that is the issue.

Jamendåså thumbs up

Jag lämnade faktiskt in min på skyddsfoliering. Känns bra att inte behöva oroa sig för stenskott!

Magnus Thomé
Här sen Apr 2010
Inlägg: 1104

Magnus Thomé skrev:
M.B. skrev:
...BTW, you guys can write in Swedish. I can make sense out of 95%- it's figuring out how to express myself that is the issue.

Jamendåså thumbs up

Jag lämnade faktiskt in min på skyddsfoliering. Känns bra att inte behöva oroa sig för stenskott!

Jag passar på att kapa tråden direkt!
Hur är det med skyddsfolieringen, syns det väl att den är folierad? (inte lik blank å fin som dom delarna som inte är folierade)
Ska få front och huv omlackad på min bil efter en lite viltolycka och det e ju helt otroligt vad stenskott det blivit på mindre ån ett år...

Erik Svensson

Kör M140i xDrive
Körde M3 e46 imola
Här sen Aug 2005
Inlägg: 15493

E.Svensson skrev:
Magnus Thomé skrev:
M.B. skrev:
...BTW, you guys can write in Swedish. I can make sense out of 95%- it's figuring out how to express myself that is the issue.

Jamendåså thumbs up

Jag lämnade faktiskt in min på skyddsfoliering. Känns bra att inte behöva oroa sig för stenskott!

Jag passar på att kapa tråden direkt!
Hur är det med skyddsfolieringen, syns det väl att den är folierad? (inte lik blank å fin som dom delarna som inte är folierade)
Ska få front och huv omlackad på min bil efter en lite viltolycka och det e ju helt otroligt vad stenskott det blivit på mindre ån ett år...

Nuförtiden så synns det inte alls.

Nik las Hjel te Söde rros
ZX6R BTG 8.47.3
Baar - CH
Här sen Jun 2005
Inlägg: 1134

Hur fungerar det med de tyska skyltarna på bilen? Lånar BMW ut de skyltarna så att man kan ta sig hem?
Och hur fungerar försäkringen under transporten hem? Har du en svensk försäkring på bilen redan när du hämtar den, eller ingår en försäkring från BMW för hemresan?

David Olsson
Lotus Elise SC
Här sen Dec 2016
Inlägg: 18

E.Svensson skrev:
syns det väl att den är folierad?

In my case I used temporary protection in ~20cm strips, and half-ass'ed the application. Some guys out an hour of work and get a pretty good installation that can barely be seen, but I really don't see the point in a 1-week temporary protection, especially when on a trip- 1 hour = 2 beers at the overnight destination!
It served it's purpose well even with my lazy installation.

One thing that I will advise, and would have done differently if I could, is to start from the back and work towards the front- first strip closest to the windscreen, the other one moving towards the front of the car and marginally overlapping. By tiling it this way you keep the Autobahn\Racetrack highspeed-airflow from ripping the stickers off.

Having that said, there are permanent solutions such as Xpel and when installed by a professional cannot be seen at all. Downside is it's expensive, and would have taken almost two days out of my trip in installation time.

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This is all part of the Welt-delivery package.
You get a German export plate valid for the period of the trip, in my case two weeks but I have seen even one month. The car is insured by BMW Corp for entire Europe, and the big bonus- also includes the Nurburgring on open tourist days.
In retrospect, since Sweden is within the EU, you can probably claim a month long trip and enjoy the free insurance at home

Transportation home depends on your trip route, you can choose to drive around Europe and in coordination with BMW leave the car in various transport centers. You then fly home, and the car is transported back to your Swedish dealer- under BMWs responsibility, just like any other BMW.
As my father joined from Israel and time was short (also, after waiting 9 months i DID NOT want to part with the car), I chose to drive it back to Sweden myself.
If you pass 2,000KM you can also book a free service around the EU.

And since we already went into details, here are some pics of the process:

Arrival at the Welt, check-in, receiving the plates and lounge.

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At some point they tease you, when your car arrives in the elevator. You can see it from the lounge, but you can't go down there yet.

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You are then taken to the virtual room, where you get all the explanations regarding car functionality, tailored to your specific car and spec.

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Eventually, you get to get closer to your car...

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After that, you can join a VIP tour of the plant, the Welt and the museum. You are also welcome to use the lounge and other facilities throughout the day.

And finally, you are on your way for the debut ride of your new BMW
Klicka för större bilder!
Magnus Thomé
Här sen Nov 2002
Inlägg: 41698


E.Svensson skrev:
Magnus Thomé skrev:
M.B. skrev:
...BTW, you guys can write in Swedish. I can make sense out of 95%- it's figuring out how to express myself that is the issue.

Jamendåså thumbs up

Jag lämnade faktiskt in min på skyddsfoliering. Känns bra att inte behöva oroa sig för stenskott!

Jag passar på att kapa tråden direkt!
Hur är det med skyddsfolieringen, syns det väl att den är folierad? (inte lik blank å fin som dom delarna som inte är folierade)
Ska få front och huv omlackad på min bil efter en lite viltolycka och det e ju helt otroligt vad stenskott det blivit på mindre ån ett år...

Syns inte alls!

Magnus Thomé
Våra race- och banåkarbilar
BMW M2 6MT -17 Welt Delivery through the Nürburgring
3724 besök totalt
Tack till alla våra trogna sponsorer som stöttar och håller Rejsa rullande